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Empowering Veterans Through Connection and Support

Veteran Support Group Events

Upcoming & Current Events

Discover Our Scheduled Sessions of Support and Collaboration

Veteran Support Circle

Join us in a nurturing and empathetic environment designed specifically for veterans like you. Engage in meaningful discussions on topics that resonate with your experiences and connect with fellow veterans who comprehend the challenges you


Facilitator: Jordanna Saunders


Time & Place: Every Monday at 10am Arizona time, accessible virtually via the Televéda Platform.


How To Join: Click on the "Register Now" button on this page. Sign up and use the referral code "AZVETS". Once you are on the schedule page, click on the upcoming Monday date. From there, you can see a list of classes. Look for the class titled "Open Veterans Support Group". Then click the "RSVP" button that is associated to that class. Finally click the "Complete Request" button and that's it!


Female Veteran Support Circle

Join us in a nurturing and empathetic environment designed specifically for veterans like you. Engage in meaningful discussions on topics that resonate with your experiences and connect with fellow veterans who comprehend the challenges you face.


Facilitator: Jordanna Saunders

Time & Place: Every Thursday at 6pm Arizona time, accessible virtually via the Televéda Platform.

How To Join: Click on the "Register Now" button on this page. Sign up and use the referral code "AZVETS". Once you are on the schedule page, click on the upcoming Thursday date. From there, you can see a list of classes. Look for the class titled "Female Veteran Support Circle". Then click the "RSVP" button that is associated to that class. Finally click the "Complete Request" button and that's it!


Coffee Talk with a Counselor for Veterans

Join us for "Coffee Talk with a Counselor," a supportive gathering for veterans to connect, share experiences, and engage in meaningful conversations with a licensed counselor. Whether transitioning to civilian life, facing mental health challenges, or seeking camaraderie, this event is for you.


Facilitator: Jordanna Saunders


Time & Place: May 30th at 10am Arizona time, in person at 165 N Centennial Way #101, Mesa, AZ or online via the Televéda Platform.


How To Join: Click on the "Register Now" button on this page. Sign up and use the referral code "AZVETS". Once you are on the schedule page, use the calendar widget to scroll to May 30th. From there, you can see a list of classes. Look for the class titled "Azura: Coffee with a Counselor". Then click the "RSVP" button that is associated to that class. Finally click the "Complete Request" button and that's it!


What Are These Events?

Discover Our Veteran Support Initiatives

Our events are designed as safe havens where veterans can find solace and camaraderie as they navigate the complexities of transitioning from military to civilian life. We offer a variety of sessions tailored to the diverse needs of our veteran community. These include open discussions, focused support groups, and intimate coffee talks with counselors. Each session aims to foster understanding, aid in mental health management, and provide practical resources that facilitate easier transitions and improved life quality.

Why These Events?

Fostering Strength and Support

Our events are specifically designed to address the unique challenges veterans face in transitioning from military to civilian life. By creating a supportive community, we provide a space for veterans to share their experiences and gain practical guidance. Our sessions, led by experienced counselors, offer trauma-informed support and empower veterans through mutual understanding and connection.


Supportive Community: Creating a space where veterans can share, learn, and grow together, ensuring no one has to navigate post-service life alone.


Professional Guidance: Our sessions are led by counselors and experts who provide trauma-informed support tailored to the unique needs of veterans.


Empowerment Through Sharing: Participants find strength and insight in shared experiences, fostering mutual understanding and support.

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