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8 Books and Resources for BIPOC Who Experienced Oppression

All people want to be seen and welcomed. This is not so. BIPOC folks in the pandemic aren't doing so well. Thus the a pressing need to write books. BIPOC folks use writing to express their oppression. They cover the issues that are more than black and white. Their concerns, their upbringing, the ugly history that proves discrimination.

Ready or not here are 8 books by BIPOC who have experienced oppression. Warning: these books may throw you head first in a tangled mix of anxiety and mental health. Some may be full of depressing abuse but they are generous with truth. These books echo the aches of their experiences.

1.When They Call You A Terrorist by Patrisse Khan-Cullors & Asha Bandele

Patrisse Khan-Cullors is one of the co-founders of the Black Lives Matter Movement. She describes a hard childhood and her brother’s mental health struggles. Part of it recalls her older brothers playing and the cops arriving. The cops shove them, handle their bodies roughly, and demand they turn out their pockets. Her brothers don’t report the incident. With the deck stacked against her, she builds a community. It’s a big leap from her childhood suffering in silence.

2.Eloquent Rage by Brittany Cooper

Oppression comes in various forms. So does rage. One form is a shoutout to feminism. Eloquent Rage put forth a challenge to question equality and justice for all. It’s brutally honest but written with style and grace. Cooper brings the forgotten voices of Audre Lorde and Ida. B. Wells. Their contributions overlooked, because they were Black. The author explains how the real meaning of resilience is evil. It excuses suffering and discrimination. This timely controversial book shows how Black women channel their Black girl magic.

3.So you Want To Talk About Race- Ijeoma Oulo

Consider this book anti-racism 101. If you want to dive deep into racism systemic causes readers need this book. It’s real and necessary to understand politics. The tough questions addressed are such as police brutality and using the “N” word. It's necessary advice for people who wonder about Black Lives Matter and #takeaknee.

4.The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander

The author already had her target audience in mind: people who care about racial justice. She is pointing fingers at all black and white. The lawyer connects dots on mass incarceration, The War on Drugs, and Jim Crow. The book reflects how wealthy whites exploit the white working-class racial resentments. published was ten years ago its messages still ring true. the US justice system works against Black people. Consequently, during Regan’s term, the crack cocaine epidemic demonizes the Black population. She compares drug felonies to drunk drivers charged with misdemeanors.

5.The Inconvenient Indian: A Curious Account of Native People in North America by Thomas King

For those who seek to understand our North American Indigenous folks, it’s a story of their history. The author is a Native American who uses humor to ease the tension. King presents the facts without criticism. He knows White North Americans prefer them noble, primitive, and extinct-but authentic ones insist on their rights.

6.We Sing Too by Deepa Iyer

Think about the history of discrimination against South Asian, Arabs, Muslims, and Sikhs. In the book, there’s a call to action for these groups. She shares the story of tragedy and triumph. The author offers a better understanding of Islamophobic nuances. Don’t miss the impact of post 9/11 national insecurities.

7.The Color of Success by Ellen D. Wu

This is a narrative into how the Chinese in America helped create the model minority myth. Read how anti-blackness, classism, and white supremacy shape their identity. Looked to as the gold standard of successful diversity, it created a façade of equality. It’s an account of Asian American history covering the mid-1930s to 1960s.

8. Heavy by Kiese Laymon

From the beginning, it seems a memoir about growing up poor but it transforms into an open letter to America. Laymon writes about size, race, addiction, and ambition in America. The man from Mississippi unpacks the cycles of violence and desperation. A great example of layering emotions and recounting them to those who deal with body issues. It's required reading for anyone who wants insight into oppression.

Resources For Wellness and Mental Health

Their stories will continue to be told. They aren’t prepared to go it alone. These are great resources for self-help and mental health.

With the added anxiety over COVID-19, they need a system that regards them. Oppression is never OK. As always Trauma Recovery Services is here to help. Come one and all whether it's anxiety, depression, PTSD, or other mental health conditions. Contact us and share.

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